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 Florida Panthers

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Messages : 192
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2008
Localisation : Devant EHM

Florida Panthers Empty
MessageSujet: Florida Panthers   Florida Panthers Icon_minitimeLun 25 Aoû - 22:19

Michael Frolik
Adam Comrie
Colby Robak

Ce sont les trois que je signe...
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Messages : 192
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2008
Localisation : Devant EHM

Florida Panthers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Florida Panthers   Florida Panthers Icon_minitimeLun 25 Aoû - 22:19

Ils considèrent les trois...
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Messages : 192
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2008
Localisation : Devant EHM

Florida Panthers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Florida Panthers   Florida Panthers Icon_minitimeLun 25 Aoû - 22:47

Adam Comrie agrees on a contract.
Adam Comrie has signed a $380 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Florida Panthers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

A native of Canada, Adam Comrie, was originally signed as a free agent to the NHL. He has not yet played at NHL level. The 18 year old defenseman is looking forward for the start of the season.

Adam Comrie D FLA 18 380000 3 42 40 44 57 55 69 62 50 91 40 58 60 42 60 61

Colby Robak agrees on a contract.
Colby Robak has signed a $950 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Florida Panthers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

A native of USA, Colby Robak, was originally signed as a free agent to the NHL. He has not yet played at NHL level. The 19 year old defenseman is looking forward for the start of the season.

Colby Robak D FLA 19 950000 3 55 55 55 53 53 54 51 42 56 43 58 57 55 53 59

Michael Frolík agrees on a contract.
Michael Frolík has signed a $950 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Florida Panthers. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

A native of Czech, Michael Frolík was originally drafted to the NHL by the Florida Panthers in the 1st round of the 2006 entry draft. He has not yet played at NHL level. The 20 year old right wing is waiting for a good start this season.

Michael Frolík R ROC 20 950000 3 48 48 50 45 47 43 60 58 73 44 59 53 48 45 58
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Florida Panthers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Florida Panthers   Florida Panthers Icon_minitime

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Florida Panthers
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